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', errorContainerClose = '
'; /* Contact From Validation */ $(selector).validate({ errorClass: "input_error", errorElement: "span" }); /* Close error lister */ $('.form-wrapper').on('click', '.error-box .icon-remove', function() { var $boxContainer = $(this).parents('.error_container').first(); $boxContainer.fadeOut('fast', function() { $boxContainer.remove(); }); }); } /** * Embed Video */ function embed_video_processing() { var youtube_template = '', vimeo_template = '', soundcloud_template = '', template, id; $('.blog-post-youtube,.blog-post-vimeo,.blog-post-soundcloud').each(function() { id = false; //youtube if ($(this).hasClass('blog-post-youtube')) { id = getYoutubeId($(this).attr('href')); template = youtube_template; } //vimeo else if ($(this).hasClass('blog-post-vimeo')) { id = getVimeoId($(this).attr('href')); template = vimeo_template; } //sound clound else if ($(this).hasClass('blog-post-soundcloud')) { id = $(this).attr('href'); template = soundcloud_template; } if (id !== false) { //process the template $(this).replaceWith(template.replace('{{id}}', id)); } }); } /*** * Get youtube url. * * @param url * @returns {*} */ function getYoutubeId(url) { var regExp = /^.*((youtu.[\w]{1,3}\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/; var match = url.match(regExp); if (match && match[7].length == 11) { return match[7]; } else { return false; } } /*** * Get vimeo url. * * @param url * @returns {*} */ function getVimeoId(url) { var regExp = /http:\/\/(www\.)?vimeo.com\/(\d+)($|\/)/; var match = url.match(regExp); if (match) { return match[2]; } else { return false; } } /* * Arwa Accordion * Written specially for Arwa Theme */ function ArwaAccordion(selector) { $(document).on('click', selector + ' .accordion-row .title,' + selector + ' .accordion-row .open-icon', function() { var me = this, accordion = $(this).parents('.accordion'), $prev, $accRow = $(this), $accTitle = $accRow.parent(), $this, icon, desc, title, activeRow, $accRow = $accTitle.parent(), toggle = accordion.data('toggle') == 'on' ? true : false; if (toggle === true) { icon = $accTitle.find('.open-icon'); desc = $accTitle.find('.desc'); title = $accTitle.find('.title'); if ($accTitle.find('.close-icon').length > 0) { desc.slideUp('fast'); icon.removeClass('close-icon'); title.removeClass('active'); } else { desc.slideDown('fast'); icon.addClass('close-icon'); title.addClass('active'); } } else { $accRow.find('.accordion-row').each(function() { $this = $(this); icon = $this.find('.open-icon'); desc = $this.find('.desc'); title = $this.find('.title'); /* if this the one which is clicked , slide up */ if ($accTitle[0] != this) { desc.slideUp('fast'); icon.removeClass('close-icon'); title.removeClass('active'); } else { desc.slideDown('fast'); icon.addClass('close-icon'); title.addClass('active'); } }); } }); // active div $(selector).each(function() { var $this = $(this), icon, desc, title, activeRow, activeIndex = parseInt($this.data('active-index')), activeIndex = activeIndex < 0 ? false : activeIndex; if (activeIndex !== false) { activeRow = $this.find('.accordion-row').eq(activeIndex); icon = activeRow.find('.open-icon'); desc = activeRow.find('.desc'); title = activeRow.find('.title'); desc.slideDown('fast'); icon.addClass('close-icon'); title.addClass('active'); } }); } /* Sticky Menu */ function stickyMenu() { if ($(window).width() < 980) { $('.sticky-navigation,#to-top-button').hide(); } else { $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(window).scrollTop() > 35) { $('#header').addClass('sticky-header'); $('.sticky-navigation,#to-top-button').fadeIn(); } else { $('#header').removeClass('sticky-header'); $('.sticky-navigation,#to-top-button').fadeOut(); } }); } } /* Centering Bullets */ function centeringBullets() { //Bullets center fixing in revolution slide $('.simplebullets,.slider-fixed-frame .home-bullets').each(function() { var $this = $(this), w = $this.width(); $this.css('margin-left', -(w / 2) + 'px'); }); }